Natural Ways to Support Your Liver

Natural Ways to Support Your Liver

The liver is a your body’s detox powerhouse. It processes waste materials and toxins so you can stay healthy.  When your liver becomes sluggish and congested, it can build up toxins and excess hormones.  This creates inflammation in the body and can cause vicious mood swings and anger.

Here are some helpful tips to make your liver happy:

grassfed, organic, plant based, whole foods, liver detox, natural health, organic living


Drink Herbal Teas.


Teas made with herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion root help support liver function and boost your liver’s natural detoxification pathways. They can often be found in your local grocer’s tea aisle for under $5.


Buy organic and grass fed.  


Pesticides are known toxins that can wreck havoc on your liver.  Switching to organic will allow your liver to detox naturally.  Conventional meat contains antibiotics and hormones.  Purchase grass fed instead.


Get Moving.


Moving your body regularly is one of the best things you can do for your liver. Exercise decreases stress on the liver, increases energy levels and helps to prevent obesity – a risk factor for liver disease. 




Water assists in the removal of waste.  Water helps move toxins out of the body and prevents them from accumulating, putting a burden on the liver.  


Eliminate household toxins.


Household products such as conventional soaps, detergents and cleaning supplies can have harsh chemicals that can put a burden on your liver.  Opt for natural, less toxic supplies instead.


Drink Responsibly.


It is no secret that alcohol completely destroys the liver. Responsible for cleansing toxins from the body, the liver works overtime to process beer, liquor, and wine.  

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